A disclaimer of sorts: Last month Eddie de Jong--who I didn't know from Adam--contacted me about reviewing his upcoming book to be released on Jan 19, 2015. He said "he found my name on Amazon and see that you have reviewed books in the past."
I was intrigued and complimented--but wanted to know more.
I also felt it might be a good opportunity to have a short story I'd been working on reviewed by a professional writer. Eddie agreed to the swap. I was only half expecting that he would actually read my work—you can only ask.
At 64, you've been around the block once or twice.
To sum this up so that I can get on to the review: Eddie not only gave me a thoughtful critique but a word document with--alas--grammatical corrections.
I missed the grammar classes in high school to deliberately get to advanced literature. I have some groundwork to do before my writing can stand on its own.
Eddie kept his word and that's important to me.
As I told Eddie on my first reading, it took me until Chapter 6 to find some thought provoking content.
I've read a lot of self-help books since I am extremely needy. The concepts he presented weren't new. On the other hand, these concepts are vital and require reflection and re-application for continued meaningful change.
Take for example, Eddie's concept of journaling--this is something that has come to mean more to me every year. I even have a notebook for recording thoughts when I'm awaken at night.
Or take the concept of the "state" triangle which captures the relationship of belief to body posture and language--anyone who has dealt with intense depression knows the language (self-talk) and body posture (alignment/exercise) can help substantially in altering moods.
For me Pet Therapy -- just hanging out with my dog -- helps my self-talk and calms my blood pressure--even when my Shih-Tzu boss is manipulating me to her own gain.
Or “Power Questions”—to me the quality of my life depends on the questions I ask and more and more gratitude has to enter the picture to be happy. To be grateful requires reflection. One of my bibles for reflection is: “Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer” by Brother David Steindl-Rast.
What we dwell on effects who we are.
I also like Eddie’s emphasis on “Laughter Yoga” and catching yourself doing something right.
On my second reading of the book, I found I like and endorse the content.
Since I am currently working on my own Goals for 2015, his request provided a synchronicity to my current actions.
I give the book four out of five stars with the caveat that it’s not just a book to read but requires working through the questions.
Was I prejudiced by his kind actions—SURE I’m only human.